Patriot Flagpole Light Kit©
“Long May It Wave”
Save money with this LED 1,400 lumen spot light
Complete Kit:
- Patriot Flagpole Bracket
- 12 watt LED spotlight with 1,400 lumens, is adequate for flagpoles up to 20 feet tall, and 30 watts with 3,350 lumens with a 50,000 hour rating can be used with flagpoles up to 45 feet tall. They are used with 110v power. Solar power does not give strong enough lumens to adequately light your flag.
- Photo-Electric dusk to dawn switch adjustable for light sensitivity
- Electrical Box and cover
- Connectors and parts
Flagpole LED Light Outdoor Fixture
Exterior LED spotlight fixtures can be placed any height on a 2 – 9 inch diameter flagpole with the Patriot Flagpole Light Bracket. Brackets for other size flagpoles can be custom fitted.
We sell only electrical fixtures because solar-powered lights are inadequate. For flagpoles up to 25 feet, a minimum of 1,000 lumens of light is needed.
When the sun goes down, LED spotlights provide the perfect illumination for flagpoles and landscaping, and save money over other types of light fixtures. Exterior LED spotlights are a highly economical, long-lasting solution that easily and more economically replaces traditional lights.
The Patriot light system includes a 1,400 lumen 12 watt LED all-weather 110v spot light, that is quickly installed on a flagpole at any height. A 3,350 lumen spotlight is available for taller flagpoles.
Free shipping to all USA locations!

Photo submitted by John from Cumberland, WI

Example of 25 foot tall flagpole. The Patriot LED spot light does a good job of lighting.
Flag Etiquette
Standards of Respect
The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used. They are:
- The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal.
- The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.
- The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard.
- The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman, and members of patriotic organizations.
- The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.
- The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.
- When the flag is lowered, no part of it should touch the ground or any other object; it should be received by waiting hands and arms. To store the flag it should be folded neatly and ceremoniously.
The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary.
When a flag is so worn it is no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, it should be destroyed by burning in a dignified manner.
Displaying the Flag Outdoors
When it is displayed from the same flagpole with another flag – of a state, community, society or Scout unit – the flag of the United States must always be at the top except that the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for Navy personnel when conducted by a Naval chaplain on a ship at sea.
When the flag is displayed over a street, it should be hung vertically, with the union to the north or east. If the flag is suspended over a sidewalk, the flag’s union should be farthest from the building.
When flown with flags of states, communities, or societies on separate flagpoles which are of the same height and in a straight line, the flag of the United States is always placed in the position of honor – to its own right.
..The other flags may be smaller but none may be larger.
..No other flag ever should be placed above it.
..The flag of the United States is always the first flag raised and the last to be lowered.
When flown with the national banner of other countries, each flag must be displayed from a separate pole of the same height. Each flag should be the same size. They should be raised and lowered simultaneously. The flag of one nation may not be displayed above that of another nation.
Raising and Lowering the Flag
The flag should be raised briskly and lowered slowly and ceremoniously. Ordinarily it should be displayed only between sunrise and sunset. It should be illuminated if displayed at night.
The flag of the United States of America is saluted as it is hoisted and lowered. The salute is held until the flag is unsnapped from the halyard or through the last note of music, whichever is the longest.

30 foot flagpole illuminated with Patriot Flagpole Light kit.
30 watt, 3,350 lumen LED light, with Patriot light bracket and photocell.
My installed light is absolutely a brilliant idea and looks amazing! I am extremely pleased and satisfied. Thank you. Pass to the person who did this. Well done!
I can’t believe I have been retired from the Army for 8 years and I finally got a flag pole up on my corner lot. An awesome 3” 25’ aluminum pole with a gold 4” trunk on the top! Flying a 6×8 American Flag made by the best flag company in America, Alabama Flag & Banner, Inc. and now she shines through the night with the Patriot Flagpole Light Kit (30 watt, 3,350 lumen LED fixture) I recently purchased! I 100% recommend this very crisp light kit that is well packaged with great instructions!
Wonderful light and installation instructions. Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to send us the information, It is so nice to call and get a real person on the phone and then they take their time to help us. We will keep your info to pass to anyone that we find is looking for flagpole lighting.
I always wanted to fly the colors in my yard. I thought I liked the pole and solar light after I got it, but until I had it a bit I realized there must be a better way. Cost counts but is not the main objective. I searched for a light to do the “colors” proud. I liked what I saw but spent the extra for the 30 watt pole mounted light. It arrived in Nov. (a cold month here in upstate NY, but I got the ground trenched, hotwired it to one of our garages). We have been in AWE since it has been up. it ALWAYS lights the “colors;” the snow and/or rain do not affect it.